Most of us have grown up with a TV. In fact, many of us cannot remember a time without a TV. And now, whether it is a mobility issue, illness or just a need to pass the time, it has become a lifes staple for quite a few of us.
Unfortunately, as many of us begin to suffer from hearing loss, that means turning the TV volume up so that we can hear it. Often times to a level that can, to say the least, disturb others. But, to be honest, we can sometimes blast others out of the house and even disturb our neighbors. Which is annoying at the least and often times infuriating.
Fortunately, there are many products on the market that can help us that are so unfortunate as to suffer from a hearing impairment. You may see these products advertised with tag lines like, “Hard of Hearing”, Hearing Loss”, “Hearing Impaired” “TV Amplifier”, “TV Listener” and “Hard of Hearing Speaker” just to name a few. And, they all have one thing in common. They help the user hear the TV without disturbing those around them. Some by amplifying the sound directly into the user’s ear, and some by simply moving the sound closer to the user (Don’t dismiss this last method. Moving the sound closer to the user can really make a difference and we will have more on this in a later post).
These devices come in many forms such as speakers, over the ear headphones, in the ear stethoscope style, ear buds and devices that can link or transmit to hearing aids. And, almost all TV devices for the hard of hearing are wireless. Though they use different means to transmit their signals. The most common means of transmission are Radio Frequency (RF), Infrared (IR), Bluetooth and Induction.
There are many different configurations and types of devices to the hard of hearing with watching the TV and those around. If you would like to learn more about Hard of Hearing TV devices, visit our website here, or contact us here and we will be happy to help.
Please check back for future posts as we try to provide more information about products for the Hearing and Vision Impaired, their features and functions.